Jun 26, 2020


Angles are formed in different ways.
Follow me to see the different ways Angles are formed.
  1. Angle can be formed on a straight line. An angle formed on a straight line is 180°,
  2. When a vertical line is drawn perpendicularly to a horizontal line, a right angle is formed. A Right Angle is simply angle 90°,
  3. When a transversal line is drawn across two parallel lines,  corresponding and alternate angles are formed. Corresponding angles are equal. Alternate angles are also equal. Parallel lines are lines that can never meet even if you draw them from Earth to Heaven. Corresponding angles are otherwise known as F-Shape angles while alternate angles are Z-Shape angles.
  4. When two transversal lines cut across themselves, vertically opposite angles are formed and vertically opposite angles are equal.
  5. Complimentary angles are angles that add up to 90°, e.g 60° + 30°, 45° + 45° etc.
  6. Supplementary angles are angles that add up to 180°, e.g 100°+80°,20°+160°,90°+90°, etc
  7. Angles formed at a point, add up to 360°,
  8. In a triangle, the total sum of angles is 180°.


What are Angles?
When two or more lines meet at a point, angles are form. Angles are a measure of the degree of turning. There are different forms of angles. 
  1. Acute Angles: These are angles that are less than 90°, e.g 10°, 20°, 45°, 89°
  2. Right Angle: This is an angle of 90°
  3. Obtuse Angle: An angle that is more than 90° but less than 180°, e.g 91°,95°,179°,
  4. Reflex Angles: They are angles that are greater than 180° but less than 360°,e.g 182°, 185°, 270°, 359°.
Guys, I am feeling sleepy. Please, see you soon.

Class Room

Finding quadratic equations of given roots.

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